BIARA is a social and recreational non-profit 501(c)7 California corporation. The operation of the Battleship Iowa is under the control of the Pacific Battleship Center (PBC), a 501(c)3 non-profit California corporation. The Battleship Iowa Amateur Radio Association (BIARA) is an association of radio amateurs whose purpose is the support of radio activities on, or associated with, the Battleship Iowa. In the works – a remote station operating project in the works.We plan to add AllStarLink and Echolink nodes to the machine in the future. The repeater is on the 010 level of the battleship and the antenna is on a yardarm at 013. BIARA now has a 2m repeater, NI6BB/R, operating again.Join us on a net on the 3rd Wednesday at 10AM Pacific local time. Join us on the International Museum Ships DMR Talkgroup 3149734 on Brandmeister.Listen for the moderator ID’ing as NI6BB.
BIARA moderates a local net on the W6MEP repeater (147.240/147.840 +600 67 Hz PL) for associates and visitors Wednesdays at 2000 Pacific local time.